Welcome to Vivekananda Mission School, Joka. Starting on a two storey building with very limited resources to becoming one of the top schools in Kolkata, the school has come a long way since its inception.
The strong foundation of the school is on the ideals and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda. Education in Swamiji’s words, is ‘the manifestation of perfection
that is already in a man’. According to him, education is a continuous process. It should cover all aspects of life – material, physical, emotional, moral and spiritual.
In today’s world, where change is happening at such a rapid pace, it is perhaps time for all of us to pause and reflect on the current education system and understand the relevance of Swamiji’s thoughts on education. Here in VMS, we aspire to provide that ‘man making’ education to our students so they are able to stand on their own feet to meet the challenges of the ever changing world and become sensitive and responsible citizens.
Caring and catering for each individual child is the hallmark of VMS, because we understand that each child is unique. Our team of highly dedicated teachers and support staff along with a very committed and supportive management work hand in hand to make sure that a child attains his/her optimum potential.
Academic laurels, success in board examinations have been the feature of this institution. But at the same time we make conscious efforts to combine our academic achievements with the right mix of co-curricular activities along with life skill education.
We are committed to keep building on our years and years of good work and take this institution to new heights of excellence.
“True guidance is like a small torch in a dark forest, it doesn’t show everything once .But gives enough light for the next step to be safe.” — Swami Vivekananda
Over the years, I have felt that experimental approach is highly engaging & helps students better connect academic concepts to real life.
As such, school ambience is an important determinant in student success. in order to be most effective, learning in our institution occurs in a safe, inclusive & conducive environment, one that promotes respect & a sense of belonging. We aim for”systematized education” which is rather a new occurrence, as there are shifting trends in education. Observe, Explore, Analyze & Conclude are some of the major cognitive tasks carried out both teachers & students to complete the circle. lnculcating the basic values of life is a major goal oriented activity in our institution. We believe that each individual is born with potentials which we try to scale up to the height of success by being logical & impartial. I consider the present era to be “The New Quality Century”. I believe that the best will find their way to the top of the worldwide market place of human talents. “Man-Making” & “Character- Building” education are the ethos of our institution.
As the Principal, | proclaim that our school has made its mark & has retained its place as one of the very best school in Kolkata.